saw the paper and hadda take its pic for obvious reasons. with that outta the way, yesterday i was a participant in
UK Biobank,
'a national medical research project to study the prevention and treatment of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, dementia and many other serious diseases... will involve 500,000 people aged 40 - 69 from all around the UK...'
for obvious (and typically selfish) reasons, i do hope they research and cure the dementia bit first so maybe, just maybe, i've got a chance.
right, almost forgot. the other day, when in London, i made a friend whilst waiting for my coach at the Shame Train Station near Victoria. these idiots – other passengers – were like kicking at the poor thing but then s/he came up to me cause i crumbled liddle cracker bits and tossed them, trying to get Potential Friend outta the line of assholes' fire. then i thought of taking little birdie boy or grrl home but remembered Hunter would love nothing better than to feast on freshly murdered noms. i took this next when s/he was on his or her way over to visit and dine on my crumbs. people stared. i yawned (the usual).
anyway, back to last night walking home from BioBank, i acted the tourist again. hmmm... this seems to be my M.O, here cause AFAIC, it's the same as it ever was since 4. july 2004. and if y'all don't dig it? being American, i say 'sue me' cause i can't help it (nor do i wanna 'help' it). 'enthralled' neither covers it nor sums up my emotions regarding how i feel about actually and finally living here. and lemme tell you it's a surprise – even to meh – how long this joy has lasted. nb: 'joy' is NOT the proper word; 'insane delight' sums it up better. in all honesty, it's actually the best anti-anhedonia measure i've ever tried (and youse know meh: i've tried em all).
anyway, i took these next walking home (duh!). no clever comments cause i'm supposed to be working now and i've no time to think up stupid things to say for the usual cheap laugh. OK, here's my local Banksy again.
what did they say in Pulp Fiction about America and Europe?
'It's the little differences...' here's Bristol City Centre with Statue of Neptune – one of my fave mythological figures mostly cause of the Piscean elements: heavy drama and emotions, drinking and drugging. oh, and that very phallic Trident... oh wow, just remembered: ages ago, i actually saw a dildo in the shape of a trident but that's a whole 'nother story involving my GF who bought it, the fool. anyway, here's Neptune.
the rest of the photos? nothing special, just the little differences; stuff i never saw in the States which's prolly why not only do i find them charming but make me feel i'm a sponge soaking up history as i bop down the street (which street? most any street). R-click and open in new tabs for embiggenousity. as well, try to ignore the psychedelic colors lighting the building at the end for Christmas... even to me, they're crass, crude and tawdry (i.e., typically American style).
and naturally, it wouldn't be a real post of mine if there weren't a pic of My H- i mean, Stoneleigh House. i should really do a before and after but too wasted to dig up one of the hundreds of pics of this exact view taken over the last few Summers when the foliage was so dense, i couldn't see M- Stoneleigh House.
right, i've been holding back on youse (but only a bit). long story short, the Creative Director at Mane (hairdressers) is also a photographer and he entered a competition that involves choosing a chick over 40 to act as role model to other old ladies (in an 'if yer female, yer not dead if yer old' kinda way). wait... can't quit LMAO at the thought of me being ANYbody's role model. anyway, the exhibit shall be shown in London in a few months and though we began today, we'll be finishing up on monday. i'm (not) ashamed to say it's taking so long cause i wouldn't quit messing around with the dude and making him laugh (read: as usual, i refused to behave). so here i am as role model. nb: i promised to be 'good' next week (and he actually believed me):
please notice how he forced me to take my own pics. i think i drove him slightly mad this afternoon but hey, his fault for having the nerve to link my image to the words 'role model'. *snigger*
moving right along, one more thing:
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the States.
fun fact: i was NEVER permitted to sit at the adults' table.
NEVER. the grown-ups always whined about it; something about me being disruptive but i hadn't a clue what the hell they were on about so i sat with the kids every damn year. in related news, almost 13 years ago my cousin and his wife had their first son, Gus, and then a coupla years later, Natty came along. these are two of the sweetest, most intelligent, well-behaved liddle boys i've ever met. back to my point: before i left the States, i had like five Thanksgiving dinners with Gus and three with Natty.
Natty and Gus are still seeing that shrink after school on a thrice-weekly basis all due to those dinners but for all i know, it could be bullshit in a feeble attempt to guilt me out. as well, i've been told the entire holiday and the word itself –
'Thanksgiving' – will set them off. but there's two sides to every story (she said primly) and IMO my behavior was always perfectly ladylike at these fambly thingies. y'know... in a role model kinda way. *cheesey grin*
correction 1: yesterday, i ended my post with Lazybones' photo of a cute liddle creature with impeccable taste in music. i mistakenly called him Mr Rat. Lazy:
'...He is a she and called Pepper and our other one is called Minty...' i torry, Miss Pepper. wait, new rool: anyone who wants to crash here when
Alabama 3 play Bristol has got to prove they don't own any Eagles. and so... uh, Lazy? i think we should – wait. strike that. we shall be Having Words* before
their next Bristol gig (at least Pepper knows where it's at).
*big thanks to Electric Landlady cause i'm getting a LOTTA mileage outta those. :-) and best of luck to Dave on the nonsmoking thingy. Electric, right now i kinda like feel sorry for you, actually. *whispers* but don't tell Dave – it might make him w- soz! i mean,
'it might make IT worse'.correction 2: last week whilst making LOL Cats, i was a bit too drunk to be sitting at the 'board and mistakenly clicked the wrong button, the one inviting friends. right before my horrified eyes, everyone in my Y! addressbook was sent an invite to be mai fwend. nb: whenever i join any site (apart from Twitter), i ain't looking for friends, just wanting to use the available facilities.
as one can see on my
LOL Cats profile (end of 'About Meh'), i wrote '
see the "zero friends" at R? is stawree of mai lief, akshually'. that was written way before my clicky mistake and now i'm forced to change it (with the usual caveat: if i remember).
back to my mistaken click, usually it'd be no big thang but an invite was sent to one, an American, whose behavior at mine –
as my guest – was termed
'Totally disgraceful' (that last came from the not so obscure object of her desires). anyway, when i realised my fuck-up, i sent a mass mail to most everyone in my Y! addys telling of my error and requesting they picture the look on Ms Disgraceful Behavior's face when she got my invite. to quote Highlander (who was quoting who knows whom),
'Oh how we laughed'. *still sniggering at the thought of mistaken recipient's reaction*